-- if you don't like music(k), we don't like you --

Wednesday 2 September 2009

You have bewitched me

Alphabeat have always been a bit of a guilty pleasure and we're not even sure we believe in such nonsense - we've got a Kelly Clarkson song (or two) on our iTunes for fucks sake. There's something about their look, their videos and the exuberant, ridiculously happy nature of their songs that make us want to throw our hands up and scream "we love you but we feel like we shouldn't because it's just not cool and that's what we crave most in life".

But, which ever way you cut it, 'Fascination' is a TUNE and some of their other singles climbed neatly into the box marked 'pretty good pop songs'. So, they're back with a new single called 'The Spell' and it's an early '90s romp with cheesy synths, cheap drum machines and about five different choruses.

The musical equivalent of drinking forty litres of Sunny Delight...through a straw...in the sun...on a bouncy castle.

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